Richard Reyes Breaks The Mold Of Onlyfans. Uses Platform To Teach Financial Education

Richard Reyes began his first start into business out of a want to help his family. His mom worked day in and day out to help provide for his family, and he wanted to do something to help provide for them so that she could have more time to spend with the family. This experience solidified his work effort and tenacity to learn business.

“We would only see my mom for a few hours a night before going to bed. We didn’t see her much during the week but she was always concerned about paying rent, and stressed with bills, taxes, collection agencies and such. When I was thirteen, I went to our local pizza parlor on 231st and Broadway. We would order pizza from there every friday. I spoke to Tony, who owned the pizzeria at the time, and asked him if he had any work for me because I needed money to help my mom. Out of pity perhaps or respect, he agreed to give me a job paying me $2/hour to hand out fliers,” Richard recounts.

From there, Richard’s work ethic never wore down. He began doing other jobs and helping out where he could. Even in school, Richard was working multiple full time jobs. This work, though after much struggle, successfully paid off for Richard and he is now running a digital solutions company.

“At the moment I run a Digital Solutions Company, we focus on helping clients generate multiple streams of income through several online passive investments while growing their social media presence. Right now our main sources of income for clients are mainly fully passive investments like e-Commerce Automation (amazon, Shopify, Walmart), Forex Automation and Crypto Trading. We try to give our clients products at different price levels. We typically recommend getting several investments to diversify risk and maximize your profit. Every product comes with its own dedicated team of account managers to oversee the growth and operations of the accounts so the client never has to get involved with the process,” Richard states.

This work came naturally to Richard. As he explains, he was always creative and trying to find solutions to problems as a kid. For him, what helped him through and led him to success was his mindset.

“When it comes to building your own business, your mindset is the most valuable tool at your disposal. Your mindset will dictate your attitude as you go from one deal to another, from one rejection to another, from one failed partnership to another. You see, starting your own business is exciting only up until you start doing the work, from there on out it’s all about handling adversity and obstacles. Your ability to maneuver through this uphill battle will be strictly dependent on the mindset that you approach and everyday with. Keep your mindset positive and your energy high, as people will feel that and feed off of it,” Richard remarks.

After going through so much and being able to push through, Richard’s advice to those who wish to involve themselves in the business world is to be careful about who you choose to work with. A team can be make or break, so it is important that you have the right people on your side to support you.

“What has made the biggest difference is who I have chosen to work with. I have tried many great ideas in my life, which have never come to light because I chose the wrong business partner. It’s important to choose someone who has as much energy and optimism about the project as you, do not seek partnership simply out of need for capital or labor. If you have a vision that excites you, seek criticism on ways to improve the idea but do not let others push you off your tracks. Once you change the track you’re on, the destination will change with it and therefore so will your energy output and vision for it. That energy, during the infancy of the idea is the lifeline to the entire project coming to light. Project your idea, but be open to feedback and embrace it with an open mind,” Richard advises.

To find out more about Richard, follow him on instagram here and check him out here.


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