Hit the ground running: Entrepreneur Carter Haase’s secrets to marketing success

In the darkest depths of the COVID pandemic, entrepreneur Carter Haase made his first move. Realizing just how far into despondency the rest of the world had sunk, Carter made the most of a bad situation to strike out into the world of digital marketing with his first business: HR Creation. Now, as the rest of us are finally returning from two years of quarantine and WFH, Carter and his team are poised to upend the digital marketing industry, with top-notch service and absurdly competitive pricing. Read on to find out how Carter went from dead broke to six-figures in little more than two years.

“I started off as an electrician at the age of 18,” Carter shares, “working 60 hours a week just to get by. My internal desire was to be the best man I could be and to create generational wealth for my family, but the grind just wasn’t cutting it. I tried investing, selling websites, and getting a ‘good paying job,’ but the more I learned about business, the more I wanted to create income that was truly passive. During covid-19 I saw many people either giving in to the fact that everything was shut down, or coming up with ideas to keep things going. I decided to be a part of the latter group. So I took my knowledge of sales and marketing from my days selling websites, and applied that same ideology to my new business.  Since then I have quickly built a $15,000/mo marketing agency that is about 85% passive for me.”

WIth HR Creation, Carter transformed an entrepreneurial dream into a money-churning reality. By leveraging a network of experienced friends and his own marketing skills from previous gigs, Carter learned to exploit a key gap in the marketing industry between quality and cost. Situating themselves at the intersection of high-quality marketing work and digital automation, HR Creation has been able to fill that niche like no other agency, working with clients to produce quantifiable results at a breakneck pace. Carter’s team works with everyone from other entrepreneurs to enterprise clients, leveraging industry-specific marketing programs and outsourcing key expertise to grow businesses, allowing clients to focus on running the business themselves.

“Seeing this gap in the marketing industry really inspired me to take the leap into entrepreneurship,” recounts Carter. “​​Traditional marketing agencies and freelancers charge an arm and a leg for their services, which aren’t always effective. With what my partner and I knew about outsourcing in the digital age, we felt as though we could leverage the globalized marketplace of skills to quickly build a product to share with the rest of the industry. So we came to the conclusion of positioning ourselves as having the best marketing services for the best possible price, thereby giving the smaller fish a chance to thrive in business without having to spend all of their limited money or time on marketing!”

Indeed, Carter’s marketing business has benefitted countless other small businesses by providing affordable and imminently scalable marketing services for their brands and products. No longer is the early-stage entrepreneur hamstrung by massive upfront marketing charges; no longer does the enterprise business need to waste efficiencies and money in-housing marketing. Carter and his team have brought the new age of globalized digital specialization to each and every client they work with, delivering timely results again and again for marketing clients of all types. Asked how he further differentiates himself from the competition, Carter’s response is indicative:

“I stay true to myself and keep it real. I’m not the person who’s going to sugarcoat a subject to preserve a client’s feelings. I’ve learned that for proper execution, I need to say the things other people can’t or won’t. Not only does it help me gain the other client’s respect, but it also helps me create open dialogue to identify what truly needs to be done within a project. I feel as though most people cannot do this because they are  afraid of being uncomfortable. However, as I said earlier, embracing discomfort is the only way to achieve rapid growth and change in an industry stuck in tradition.”

Moving forward, Carter expects continued growth for HR Creation and his other marketing businesses. Furthermore, Carter is working to grow other passive income streams, while sharing his trade secrets with followers through Instagram and other social media. By building a following around his unique marketing strategies, Carter hopes to bring the benefits of passive income to a whole new generation of entrepreneurs, channeling the power of the internet age to the benefit of its newest set of users, while revolutionizing the way other small businesses market their brand and product.

For the latest tips on marketing and passive income generation, follow Carter Haase on Instagram (@carter.haase)


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