Meet Jorge Illidge: The Technology Consultant Who is Helping Companies Rethink Their Business and Adapt To Change

Jorge Illidge is a technology consultant who with JIMP Group LLC is helping medium-sized companies to rethink their business so they can adapt to changes in customer behaviors leveraged on technology.

The corporate and business world is constantly evolving so large companies such as technology giants could in the future be replaced by other companies entering the market creating a disruption in it.

These new companies are redefining every industry in the world and will become the major companies of the future.

“Think about what Google or Facebook represented a few years ago and today Airbnb or Uber.” Jorge shares.

For that reason, Jorge was motivated to help traditional companies rethink their business, in order to foster a culture of innovation and agility to not only stay relevant but also generate disruptions that differentiate them.

In the business industry, the term “unicorn” refers to companies that have a valuation of more than one billion dollars.

From 2013 to today, the number of unicorns that have entered the market has grown 353%. Such valuation is essentially achieved through the market share appropriation of traditional companies where these unicorns came to compete.” Jorge explains.

The most recent events in the world such as the pandemic, wars, and different situations on a global scale, have made companies face countless challenges: either they transformed and adapted or they perished. 

Because of that, Jorge became even more passionate about digital transformation and decided to take the step from being an employee to entrepreneurship with JIMP Group LLC.

My decision to embark on this adventure in the United States is due to the magnificent entrepreneurial environment that this country offers due to its policy of openness and support for companies, plus the large domestic and foreign market (thanks to its trade agreements), which make it a highly competitive territory and that allows exponential growth.” Jorge says.

Jorge is able to differentiate himself in what he does because he serves his clients as a strategic ally in his transformation process. He does this by listening to them and using his previous experience with other similar clients.

“In my journey, I have known the most relevant industries in the world from the approach of the most relevant technology companies in the market, including two of the three largest clouds in the world: Microsoft and Google.” Jorge adds.

Jorge has more than 15 years of experience working in the most important technology companies such as IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, and Google. During those years, he has had the opportunity to collaborate and help companies in banking, retail, oil and gas, manufacturing, logistics and more.

Jorge has helped companies throughout Latin America in their digital transformation through the JIMP Group LLC. The experience Jorge has gained has given him a deep understanding of different industries and cultures in Latin America and how the disruptive technologies and methodologies of the world’s leading innovation companies can help shape their future.

I have had the opportunity to develop projects such as improving the accuracy of subsurface exploration in Oil and Gas companies through advanced analytics, route optimization in the delivery of last mile packages, improve the productivity of human talent through collaboration tools and have a better understanding of the customer to anticipate their behaviors based on the analysis of internal and external data sources such as social networks, among others.”

In the near future, Jorge seeks to grow his business by offering consulting services to U.S. companies with annual revenues between 10 million and 50 million dollars. To do this they will focus on the following pillars:

  • Becoming an organization where decisions are data-driven.
  • Providing 360-degree customer insight supported by Advanced Analytics
  • Constantly optimizing cost
  • Human talent productivity and collaboration
  • Flexibility, availability, scalability, and security of technological tools.
  • Rethinking and evolving the go-to market  
  • Implementation of a culture of innovation

Learn more about Jorge Illidge here.


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