More than a Real Estate Expert, Shane Santacroce is an Expert in the NFT World and is Working to Make it More Mainstream.

Shane Santacroce is more than meets the eye. As someone who has decades of experience in the real estate industry, he never slowed down in his field. He is giving back by teaching people in the community all that he has learned throughout his years in the business.

“Entering the field of real estate, just prior to the refinance boom in the early 2000’s, I was fortunate to have had an opportunity to build a title insurance sales team and process which led me quickly to the mortgage industry. Within 24 months I was managing over 690 loan officers doing over 80 million a month in origination fees. Training people that had zero previous sales experience to create the success needed to build the life they deserved became a passion of mine almost instantly,” Shane explains.

However, to stop there with Shane’s real estate business is not understanding his full story. He is also an expert in the NFT, or non-fungible token, world. Shane has a unique collection of 5000 pieces of his own NFTs along with his business partner.

“My business partner, Anmol Singh, and I are both active in the stock market. Our trading platforms and styles are different in many ways, but ultimately have the same basic foundation. I trade more on speculation, news, and social trends. This is why I took notice of NFTs as we discussed the future of digital assets,” Shane states.

NFTs, to Shane, are much more than just a currency and way to buy and sell artwork and other items. Shane wants to create something meaningful as a way to connect to people beyond the traditional buying and exchanging market. 

“Our goal is to create something meaningful that people can relate to in the current times and look back on in the future to be reminded of where we are today and how far they have come. You have to keep an open mind when it comes to investing. The beginning of every investment can be looked at in a negative or positive way. Pay attention to the market and what the current demands are, do your research and take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself,” Shane says.

Shane has many exciting things coming around the corner for him and his business partner, Anmol. They are detailing some of the exciting things below. To quote his partner Anmol, Shane sees this as the future that we are all heading towards. 

“This is the first of many collections that will be offered from my partner and I, so stay tuned as the creations come out. All pieces will be limited to no more than 5000 and all characters will be used in only one collection. One thing I’m certain of is that technology only moves in one direction which is forward. That being said, technology is now moving forward at a rapid pace as we transition to a completely digital economy, further validated by companies such as Facebook $FB now changing over to Metaverse and Microsoft $MSFT now committing to have its own metaverse. NFTs will play a crucial part in the economy of the future where everything is digitized and tokenized. Nfts are more than just art, they’re an asset class of the future,” Shane says quoting his partner Anmol Singh.

To find out more about Shane, you can follow him on instagram here, check out his website here and the link to the NFTs here


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