The ketogenic diet has been gaining a lot of popularity. But why exactly? The reasons are obvious. The ketogenic diet is helping millions of people get in shape in time other diets would take years. Weight loss is not the only issue that this fast-growing dietary lifestyle addresses, the reversal of the symptoms of various chronic weight-related issues like kidney problems, Diabetes, PCOS, and more. The ketogenic diet is a regime that increases people’s health span with skin and hair health adding to its benefits!
In that sense, Carmen Yulied Salazar is an amazing businesswoman and healthy chef, creator of the best keto granolas in the market. She decided to start her business in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, when the rest of the world was going through the most adverse situations possible.
“I started my business in a global crisis, the Covid19 pandemic. People fell in love with my granola and suddenly we had a lot of orders. I remember being in the kitchen with my husband, packing the granolas, distributing them and taking care of the accounting”, Yulied shares.
For Yulied, it all began with the desire to learn to cook for her children. She took a basic gastronomy course that ended in a degree. At the same time, she started to change her habits and implemented a healthier lifestyle. Soon she was able to cook keto products in an artisan way, and sell them to her friends. The rest was history. Her products were very well received and Yuliet now runs a successful and profitable business, which she enjoys the most!
Yulied created the “YuliedCook” company and began to distribute her products throughout her country, Colombia. Her business manages to stand out from the crowd by her authentic interest in health and wellness, which strengthen existing customer relationships while attracting new consumers.
“For me, success is what I feel when someone tells me they love my products. That way I feel that I’m achieving my objectives & that I’m contributing to the happiness and well-being of people. Eating healthy is eating delicious!”, Yulied adds.
But of course, her journey as an entrepreneur hasn’t been easy at all. Yulied has struggled with creating a product that everyone likes, that is healthy and delicious at the same time. Also, it was difficult for her to start a company in a country where there are few opportunities and little support for entrepreneurs. But she didn’t give up. Quite the opposite!
“It was also difficult to stay and make a name for myself in such a diverse market. Of course, I have to deal with costs and expenses vs. profit. However, the biggest challenge is to continue despite the adversities”, Yulied explains.
She only works with products of the best quality that meet her expectations and those of her clients. All her material must meet her standards and, at the same time, allow her to offer good prices.
Luckily, Yulied knows that having the right mindset is essential to achieve success and that is why she works daily to have a positive, persevering, strong attitude that does not let her be defeated by the first hurdle. No matter what the problem business owners face, in crisis or under regular circumstances, their mindset hugely impacts the outcome. It is crucial for them to build their internal frame of mind and align it with success, and that’s exactly what Yulied has done!
However, creating a successful and profitable brand is not an easy job. She advises all entrepreneurs who are looking to start their own business: “Be unique, irreverent, constant, creative, do not limit your dreams. All processes are different, do not compare yourself. The competition is scary, but it motivates you to be better.”
Despite all the work that she has already done, she isn’t planning on slowing down any time soon. She details her next steps below:
“I want to access the international market and export my products so that they can be known worldwide. Also, I would love for my brand to be in the most important and large marketers of natural products, such as Whole Foods and Walmart.”
Without a doubt, Yulied’s story is a source of hard work and inspiration not only to entrepreneurs, but to all of us. To find out more about YuliedCook, follow her on Instagram here and visit her website here.